Adapted from Plan of the Military Barracks Parramatta c1820 Mitchell Library Bonwick Transcripts Box 36, Plan 9
1799 grant of lease of 5 ¾ acres to William Balmain for a period of 14 years
1799-1814 land cleared, cultivated and a house constructed
1813 expiry of Balmain’s lease
1814 site chosen for new military barracks
1817 site for new barracks marked out by Governor Macquarie
1818-1819 construction of military barracks
1820 construction complete
1820-1833 addition of covered way between two storey building and kitchen.
1820-1833 verandah to three sides of kitchen. Armoury under verandah.
1820-1833 six stables for field officer horses
1823 guard house on Macquarie Street.
1831 cell block behind guard house.
1833 Parramatta HQ for regiment. Lancer Barracks and former convict barracks.
1833-1844 converted to use as officers barracks only. Extension to kitchen, construction of officer’s mess.
1833-1844 alteration to two storey building to make eight individual rooms for officers.
1848 reduction of garrison – upper military barracks reverted to use of officers and other ranks.
1851 site leased to Colonial Government for 99 years
1850-1862 site used for various purposes including police, magistrates and schools
1857-1861 sappers and miners working on railway survey accommodated at the barracks
1858 corner of west and south west corner for the extension of the railway from Parramatta to Penrith
1862-1897 Barracks handed over to Police Department. Used as police barracks
1863 dedication of north-west corner of the site for Mechanics’ Institute
1870 dedication of the area to east of Mechanics’ Institute for school
1882 Mechanics’ Institute site resumed for public school
1897 transfer of site to military use
1897-present used as a site for training the citizen military force (now Army Reserve)
1895-1902 demolition of single story east wing
1895-1900 demolition of kitchen and privies
1897-1899 refurbishment of two story building. Replacement of timber verandah railing with cast iron lace
1897 construction of single story – staff sergeant’s quarters
1900 construction of two story officer’s quarters
Pre 1902 construction of weatherboard drill hall
1907 addition of wagon shed to south end of drill hall
1917 closure of laneway to Macquarie Street
1934 gun park and gun hangers built
1937 construction of Officers’ Mess
Post WW2 war-time military use
Post WW2 re-formation of Lancers in the Parramatta district. Barracks – Regimental Head Quarters
1954 construction of lecture room
1955 two story quarters converted into two flats
1963 building in Macquarie Street converted as regimental museum
1965 Linden House constructed on barracks site
1966 Linden House officially opened as regimental museum
1972 store room and workshop for museum constructed next to Linden House
1979 Bob’s Hall renovated
1981 Linden House dedicated as a Regimental War Museum
1986 1937 officers mess demolished
1986 two story quarters used as Regimental Head Quarters named as Vernon Hall
1990 extensive re-grading of site